Friday, January 29, 2010

Differences between the two Greens

I think it is ironic that the modern term of "green" means environmentally friendly, while money is also referred to as "green." The two "greens" are very different.

Which "green" is more important to you? Why?

1 comment:

  1. In a way, they are very much related. To protect "green" you need "green" to buy the land and protect it.

    While living "green" may mean you use less "green," you still need "green."

    While without a "green" planet we wouldn't even be able to use "green," both are important aspects of our world that are vital to sustain societies and life in a modern context.

    To me, they're both necessary. I'm learning that more and more as I am exposed to more about the money "green" and economics. There has always been "green" in an economic sense--now it happens to be paper currency. In the past, seashells from distant lands were traded and that was the "green." It's how the world functions. I give you this for that so we can share experiences, ideas, and innovations. One is not necessarily more important than another, but both need to be respected, on both sides of the issues.

    Not sure if this comment makes entire sense, but my point is they're different in equally important ways.


I'd love to hear what you think of this post and I look forward to hearing your story! :-)