Sunday, January 31, 2010

How "Big" is your ride?

I think of my "ride" at the Ronald McDonald House as being big, and it was. Probably bigger than what happens to most people. But when I was in that little community of friends and stories people were sharing, mine was so tiny. There are so many things that can happen to you. One girl, named Brittany Wilkinson, was there when I was there. I didn't know why she was there. I just remembered her as the girl in the wheel chair with the dog. Well, it turns out, she has Mitochondrial disease. She was there and she knew she was going to die. Whoa. That's bigger than me. That's huge. On September 6, 2009, (after I left) Brittany passed away.

She, and everyone else at the Ronald McDonald House, my generous Aunt, my mother, father, stepmother, sister, and everyone else who helped me when I was receiving a kidney are my role model.

1 comment:

  1. It's so sad that she died. We didn't even find out until now. How terribly sad for her family and friends. Hopefully awareness about her disease will lead to more research and eventually a cure. I remember you telling me about her when I was visiting you, but I don't think I ever saw her when I was there. Thanks for the reminder to be thankful for our lives, even when things come up that are difficult.


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