Wednesday, June 9, 2010

You Choose.

You know, I've been wondering. Why is it that us humans only look at the bad in things? Like, take the news for example. It's always bad. Isn't it? I mean, I know that bad things do happen in today's society, but many good things happen as well. I had a painful blood test this morning and I can't go to the 8th grade field trip to Six flags... and that could be all I think about today. But, then I could think of this: I am alive, I live in Pleasanton, I only had a little blood test as opposed to being in the hospital, I have a house, my parents have good jobs...the positive things are endless. What's positive in your life? Well, as I say many times, the fact that your reading this means you're pretty lucky. You have a computer or you have access to one. I know also that you can aren't have a working mind....what else? You tell me.

I would also like to add this. Don't let anyone ever affect your mood. There's no reason to. There's no reason to let one person get you down. That goes the same for putting down an idea. If you have an amazing idea, tell someone really close to you, someone you know that won't crush your amazing idea. Or, don't be the one to put someone down. Has that ever happened to you? It has to me, and it feels horrible. But don't get me wrong, I know what it's like to have a bad day.

So, what I'm trying to say here, is you choose. You choose to.... have a good time, or have a bad time. I need to start working on not letting people affect my mood. And yourself?

Hope you're having a good day...oh wait, you are. Hope you're not having a bad day...oh wait, you are. REMEMBER: You choose!

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